Capoeira Angola's movements are traditional but each 'capoeirista' reproduces them starting from his/her physical constitution and gesture.
There is a series of basic movements (blows) that unfold in variations and complex combinations, which lead to compare them with the musical sounds.
The sequence is option of each 'capoeirista', always in strict dependence of the game partner's movements.
"It was me it was you
It was you it was me
It was me it was my brother
It was my brother it was me
You wouldn’t play without me."
(Master Pastinha)
"The game unfolds with 'ginga', a dance and fight movement; concentrate and relax, personalize, and disconcert.
But often the game begins with movements close to the ground. Upside down, the 'capoeirista' is in attack position and at the same time it defends trunk and head... he/she can rotate the legs having the head or hands as axis.
The legs on the ground can give a blow to the opponent’s feet or form a scissors to knock him/her down."
"Hands on the ground, as in false fall, the legs continue free, in front or backward.
Standing, the 'capoeirista' can strike with the head or bend over for a trip. In front of the partner, he/she can surprise by being direct or drawing a blow in the air. Or dodge and at the same time hit.
And suddenly spin and return, like a spinning top. If need be, he/she can seek space, simulating, upside down. And roll afterwards, protecting the head and preparing an attack. Or move away flying backwards..."
Illust.(and interpretation):
E. Zolcsak, 2004.
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